It's been ages since I posted an update, but I have a good excuse - I've been in Victoria, B.C. for my second year residency (graduate studies). While being away from home for 3 weeks was stressful, and the residency this year was academically and emotionally draining, it was nice to be away from the TTC game with no time to dwell on things.
I arrived home this past Sunday and took Monday off, which was much needed. I slept for a blissful 13 hours Sunday night! Monday afternoon we went for a visit with S's part time foster mom to get an update on the little one, who has been back with her mom five days a week since the end of August. It sounds like things aren't going that well, unfortunately. It's a struggle for both Derek and I to not get a little bit excited about this - S is struggling right now, as is her mom, yet this means we might actually get her in to our home permanently. I feel like such a bad person for being hopeful that things go wrong. Horrible.
So, in light of these possible changes, we have decided to postpone our FET for now. We were planning a November/December transfer, but because of the way things are going with S, we'd like to focus on her for now. It was a tough decision, but it's for the best in the long run. I just have to stay positive, which is especially hard when it seems to be a season of new pregnancies in my life at the moment. I don't begrudge anyone, I don't cry over it, but it's still difficult.
In other news, I went to an allergist yesterday because I've always wondered if I'm allergic to bees or wasps. I've never been stung, and since Derek and I spend a lot of time outdoors, I worried that I might be allergic, get stung in the middle of nowhere and have a reaction with no epi pen. The good news is I am not allergic to any local insect venoms. The bad news is I apparently have chronic environmental allergies and allergic rhinitis. The doc said I've likely had this since I was a child and it's caused my eczema (hands, feet and face), sporadic hives, and the keratosis pilaris I had as a teenager. It likely started with exposure to smoke and animals as a baby and child and my body became so used to it over the years ("chronic") that I no longer have the runny nose and itchy eyes. My nasal passages are inflamed, however, and my body is working in overdrive and has been for years. So my immune system is overloaded. Back to the immune system...huh. It's interesting how so many things come back to that; I'm almost 100% convinced it's linked to our fertility issues.
The game plan for now is to continue on my supplements (3,000 - 4,500 IU Omega-3, NAC, high folic prenatals, 5,000 - 10,000 IU liquid Vitamin D3 daily) and add daily sinus flushing with a Neti Pot and a pet free bedroom with a HEPA air filter and TTC naturally. I seem to get pregnant naturally once a year, so we have a while before anything happens, probably. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed by all of this crap I have to do, but I at least have to give it a try, I suppose. Life, ack.