It's been a few months since I've posted and I've had a few requests, so I suppose it's time for an update.
The summer is speeding by while I work on finalizing and submitting my thesis. I spent most of the first half on 2013 doing field research and data collection, and the last couple of months writing and re-writing. My draft is currently being reviewed and I'm on track for meeting my submission deadline of September 18. My third and final residency begins the last week of September and, fingers crossed, I will be done my Masters on November 1.
On top of this, work has been crazy. I have been run off my feet working 10+ hour days most of the week, but thankfully our hiring efforts are paying off and I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I was advised the other week that I'll be getting a promotion and corresponding raise early next year, so my hard work is paying off nicely. Add to that a knee injury for Derek in March and his being off work for surgeries and rehabilitation, as well as my efforts to actually do a few road races this summer (cycling), and I've hardly had time to think about TTC.
So where does that leave us? Originally we planned to do our FET last November. We postponed that to this November based on my wanting to focus on my research without distractions. That date is getting pushed out again - I need a de-stress month, then we're going to Hawaii for Christmas, a destination wedding in early February, and suddenly we're looking at March. By that time life will have calmed down and I can focus on the FET. However, if it doesn't work...?
Well, we're at a decision point, and we've been talking about our options. We've had a semi-plan to travel to Victoria and buy in to the three cycle package. VFC is willing to work and provide treatment for patients with potential immune system issues, like me, and I've had a Skype consultation with Dr. Hudson already. But my upcoming promotion as well as discussions at work and home about my prospects for overseas work is playing a part in a potential change in plans.
I can now see my life as being complete and fulfilling without children. We're both seriously considering living child free. I don't think I'm 100% there, I still have days where I feel that there is no way I can't continue to give it my all, but then there are days where I'm at peace with not having kids, and Derek feels the same. It's just so sad and unfortunate that this 'choice' isn't really a choice at this point, at it's most basic. We've been forced, through years of disappointment and grief, to make a decision. The final decision hasn't been made yet, but it's definitely under review.