Derek and I had an amazing Christmas and New Year in Hawai'i with my parents, and one of my sisters and BIL. I spent a relaxing three weeks there, while Derek was able to leave a week ahead of me for a full month in paradise. We brought our road bikes along so were able to spend some time riding, and I somehow continued training for my half marathon while trying to acclimate to the heat (only 30-ish Celsius, but coming from a winter wonderland makes the transition somewhat interesting and sweaty). Surprisingly (or maybe not), the excitement of running in a warm location cut almost five minutes from my 10K. Now to hold on to those gains while running on ice and snow!
I'm back to the grind, as is Derek, but only for a short while. We head to Playa Del Carmen on January 31 for a wedding (I'm in the bridal party) just before I return to run my half marathon on February 8 (brrrr - that's why they call it the Hypothermic Half!). I'm seriously considering running a full this summer, but I'm sort of scared of the commitment. Being in Kona, the Ironman Championship hub, had made both of us seriously consider training for a destination Ironman. We've both done local Olympic Triathlons, but how awesome would it be to do an Ironman in a warm destination? Warm water swim anyone?!
Of the fertility front, there are some developments. We both agreed that once I was done school (check), and after our vacations early this year (check and almost check), we would pursue our FET. We have two frozen embabies at the fertility clinic that have been shivering away for about two years . Well, I got AF about four days ago and made the call to re-open my file. I have an appointment with the RE on February 11 to review my file and figure out a game plan. This means that we *could* be looking at a February/March FET.
The Calgary Regional Fertility Clinic does not pursue treatment of immune system issues as part of their fertility treatment plans, so we're on our own (just to refresh, I'm not diagnosed with anything, just a suspicion based on my medical history). In preparation for the FET, and because Derek just recently found out he's Celiac (!!), we're both eating gluten free. I've also eliminated soy from my diet, and will be getting back on Omega 3 and Vitamin D3 this week. I'll update once we have the appointment early next month and come up with a schedule.
Fingers crossed this works - we're going to give it our all - because if not, we have some big decisions to make about our future.