Struggles with Infertility

Being a parent is not something that everyone has as a goal in life. But once you decide that you want to be a parent, and you are unable to, your life can either unravel, or you can try to find meaning in your struggles. This blog is me trying to find meaning.

Friday, December 9, 2011

They're putting my sister on Viagra

My sister's last ultrasound did not bring good news. Her lining had only thickened to 5 mm, far below what they like to see. So, we're on to the next protocol.

Interestingly enough, the standard prescription for men with erectile disfunction also works for women with issues related to thin uterine lining. Viagra works by improving blood flow - like it does to the penis - and therefore facilitates better transfer of estrogen to the uterus. This makes total sense for Lara's situation. She has not had a period in over ten years, and I know that the body, over time, will reduce blood flow to areas of the body it is no longer using. The veins and vessels will retract and shorten, and her uterus, which hasn't been in use for over a decade, minimizes the amount of blood flow. The body is amazingly efficient!

Going forward, Lara has started taking progesterone to bring on a period and shed what lining she built up. She will be going on a combined estrogen patch and pill protocol, along with the Viagra. If this works out, her first ultrasound to measure her lining is on January 3.

Another bump in the road, but at least we're making progress! I'd much rather we figure this stuff out now then later, when we're in to the big bucks.

In other news, Derek and I leave next Sunday (the 18th) to drive up north to see my family and meet my new niece for the first time. I can't wait to see my family!

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