I went in for my 20 DPO beta and it came back at....158! So in two days, my beta jumped from 41 to 158, which is a doubling time of around 24 hours. 'They' look for a doubling time of 48 to 72 hours, so this made me a bit more optimistic. However, the number is still low for how far along I should be and we are doing a repeat today. Unfortunately, we won't get the results until Monday.
I did a CBE Digital with Conception Indicator yesterday evening after I got home from my work trip (I was out on a drilling rig all week) and it popped up as 2-3 weeks past conception (so 4 to 5 weeks pregnant) after a 2.5 hour hold, so my beta is still rising. My FRER this morning has the test line darker than the control. All good signs!
But, I'm spotting. I have been for seven days now. It comes and goes, and is enough that I need to wear a panty liner. It started as brown/tan, but about three days ago turned pink/red. I also have mild cramps, which I know are 100% normal as long as they don't get really bad. I am praying for a bleeding cyst or irritated cervix or something and that all is well.
When I call on Monday for my beta numbers I will line up an appointment with the doctor on Tuesday. I'm assuming she'll confirm pregnancy and then give me a requisition for an ultrasound.
Please, everyone, keep us in your thoughts and prayers. I know we have a lot of people doing that already, so all we ask as that you keep doing what you're doing!
My fingers are crossed so hard for you that they're cramping up!
ReplyDeleteThank you Jen! I appreciate the good thoughts!