Here we are, day 18 of Suprefact, day five of Estrace (estrogen) and baby aspirin, day four of an antibiotic, nine days from an ultrasound to check my lining, and ~14 days from embryo transfer.
I'm almost in shock that it's actually here and finally happening. I keep expecting something to go awry, but so far, so good, and no historical issues with lining development to cause me to worry. Granted, I'm emotionally tired most days (though generally in a good mood, lucky for Derek), I've been having headaches, and oh man, the hot flashes, but despite those minor inconveniences, I'm feeling pretty good about all of this. The addition of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture, and a Qi Gong healing session over the weekend from Derek's lovely Aunt Shirley seem to be helping with the anxiety and worry. I feel good. I feel confident even! This might work!
Of course, it also might not work. There are still things that can go wrong (i.e. the whole embryo thaw process is one of those things that is unknown), but my overall positive outlook, and the fact that I'm pretty busy with life in general, override my minds ability to dwell too much.
Almost there. And hopefully 'there' is just the beginning of the journey.
I just found your site and wanted to thank you for your honesty, straightforwardness and transparency. Infertility is the most difficult thing I have experienced and I dont think anyone who hasn't experienced it can truely understand. I have my finger's crossed for you!