Struggles with Infertility

Being a parent is not something that everyone has as a goal in life. But once you decide that you want to be a parent, and you are unable to, your life can either unravel, or you can try to find meaning in your struggles. This blog is me trying to find meaning.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

IVF #1 - 4dp3dt and we have Totsicles!

4dp3dt = four days past three day transfer, otherwise known as 7 DPO.

I'm not going crazy yet, but I can feel the crazy right around the corner. Time is slowly moving forward and I'm thankful for a very busy week at work (including travel from Wednesday to Friday) and a final assignment for University due next Sunday. My few symptoms, sore boobs and light cramping, can be attributed to the 600mg of progesterone and 4mg of estrogen I'm on each day, but that doesn't keep me from analyzing every little twinge and pushing on my boobs every once in a while to make sure they still hurt (they probably hurt because I keep pushing on them).

We got some amazing news yesterday! Left with little to no hope for frozen embryos after the transfer last Wednesday, we got a call from Chris the embryologist early yesterday afternoon to let us know that they had successfully frozen two day six hatching blasts yesterday morning! Last we heard, we had a few embryos that were a day or so behind that they were going to leave in culture to 'see what happens'. We didn't have a lot of hope, but figured there was no harm in letting them sit, right? Well, two of them caught up, and we have two more 'average' blasts on ice for when we need them.

Not only does this let me breathe a bit easier, but it will really help me to relax for the rest of this cycle, because we have a couple of totsicles in the fridge for a second go if we need it. Hopefully we use them for sibling(s), but it is a relief to know that we have a plan B.


  1. I started Suprefact on Sunday and will be traveling down to Calgary at the end of the month. My fingers are crossed for you!!!
