Last night sucked. Around 8:30, Derek called me from the union meeting he was attending to tell me he had very serious stomach cramps and was throwing up, so was on his way home. He arrived home and went right to the bathroom, where he continued to suffer out of both ends (poor guy). He crawled on to our bedroom floor and laid there in pain while I called Health Link (our nurse hot line) to ask for advice. Of course, the advice was to head to the hospital, as it could be his appendix or gall bladder.
At this point, the pain was so severe that Derek couldn't sit up long enough to ride in the truck to the hospital, so we called an ambulance. The paramedics gave him morphine and gravol and transported him to Foothills. Once there, a barely conscious Derek sat in a wheelchair while we waited to be admitted. Around midnight, we finally got on the wait list to see a doctor, and actually saw him around 1:30 am. After some blood work and diagnostics, the doc said it was a severe stomach flu and not something requiring surgery, thank goodness. I was seriously starting to question our karma as there seems to be issue after issue happening during this IVF that keeps threatening to cancel. Luckily, it appears that Derek's flu will not affect anything, and we're still good to go.
They gave Derek Buscopan, which relieves stomach cramping, and sent us home around 3 am. Derek seemed to feel a bit better and settled in to the couch while I went to bed for about three hours of sleep before I had to get up for my monitoring appointment this morning. Thankfully, while he still feels pretty horrible, he has no stomach cramps today and the vomiting is gone.
I spent what felt like forever at the clinic this morning, but got only good news. Seems that my right ovary is picking up even more, as they found eleven follies today compared to eight just two days ago. The left still has five, three of which look pretty good. We have a leader at 19mm on the right, and a 16mm lead on the left. My lining is at 9.5, so pretty much perfect. My estrogen has continued to climb and is at 6665 (Canadian units) / ~1800 (US units), which I am happy with. The rule of thumb is about 1000 (Canadian) units of estrogen per mature egg (which is what we need - keep in mind we'll get more total eggs, but about 70% of those will be mature and ready to fertilize). At this point, I'm looking at about six or seven mature, but likely another one or two on top of that by retrieval, as my estrogen will continue to climb.
We had expected to trigger tonight, but the doc has me doing one more night of stims with trigger tomorrow night. That puts egg retrieval on Sunday, which works perfectly for us. I had my HCG mixed today and got instructions on how to inject. Just about there - only one more night of injects and we're done, not to mention no more Suprefact nasal spray. To be honest, it will be somewhat strange to not have my life ruled by such a strict schedule, not to mention being able to actually sleep in on the weekend instead of waking at 6 am to do my spray and being unable to fall back asleep.
Almost there!
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