Struggles with Infertility

Being a parent is not something that everyone has as a goal in life. But once you decide that you want to be a parent, and you are unable to, your life can either unravel, or you can try to find meaning in your struggles. This blog is me trying to find meaning.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The second worst stick to pee on

Ovulation Predictor Kits. The waiting and anticipation for days on end, waiting for that test line that's darker then the control line, or your smiley face. Each time the test is negative, you refresh your resolve and look forward to testing the next day. If you're regular, like I am, you know around which day you'll ovulate and continue feeling somewhat positive, but those women with irregular cycles have my deepest sympathy. I could not imagine peeing on an OPK day after day with the hope of a positive, but such uncertainty every time. I've seen some women who have 90+ day cycles, with weeks of negative OPKs.

Anyhow, I use the Clearblue Digital OPK kit. It's a handy little kit, but expensive - $50 for seven tests. What I love most about it is the smiley face. If you haven't started your LH surge yet (indicates ovulation), you get an empty circle, but if you get that oh so wonderful smiley face!

OPKs are generally used mid-day, somewhere between 2:00 pm and 8:00 pm, though there are always those exceptions that test best first thing in the morning. I test best mid-day, so that means I test at work. I covertly insert the test stick in to the reader at my desk, being sure to cover the wrapper with my garbage so no one sees it and wonders (it looks like a pregnancy test wrapper). I put the stick under my jacket in my armpit and go to the bathroom. I pee on the stick. I put it back in my armpit and walk back to my desk. I set it down next to my computer screen, hidden from passerby's.

*blink, blink, blink*

It's thinking....

*blink, blink, blink*

I keep glancing at it, looking for the smiley face...

*blink, blink, blink*

It's almost as bad as a pregnancy test!

*blink, blink, bl....

Wish us luck!


  1. Good luck, Hon!

    LOL@ your sureptitious testing at work. ILU!

  2. That's Grrly btw. Idk where the name got pulled from... I think it's from an old blog?

  3. Saw you posting this elsewhere, and had to come over here to wish you luck! Hard not to get excited when you have a chance of getting pregnant tomorrow :)

    Second the mirth at sureptitious testing at work - and the photo taking! I spent more time thinking about TTC when I was at work, than when I wasn't. I think partly it was that I was really focused on how I'd rather be on maternity leave, than stuck in the office wishing I was on maternity leave...

    Best of luck!!!
