Struggles with Infertility

Being a parent is not something that everyone has as a goal in life. But once you decide that you want to be a parent, and you are unable to, your life can either unravel, or you can try to find meaning in your struggles. This blog is me trying to find meaning.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

How I spent my summer

When I last posted, I was a couple of months in to putting TTC fully aside and really living life this summer. It had been years since I had just lived - we were either TTC or I was in grad school. So, here's what I did this summer.

I graduated from grad school with a Master of Arts in Environment and Management

We went for a few hikes in the mountains.

We got a new foster dog named Silver, an approximately five year old Siberian Husky originally from a puppy mill in California.

 I rode my bike. I raced as much as my schedule would allow.

I spent every weekend on the road.

It was therapeutic.

And then I crashed my bike at the beginning of August and broke my elbow.

And had to have surgery to repair it. Most of August is a bit of a blur.

But I did still get to spend a week with my niece (thanks mom and dad for bringing her), who is definitely going to be a Firefighter like her Uncle Derek when she grows up.

And tomorrow, September 7, will be the first day of winter for Calgary, with an estimated 5 cm expected by mid-morning (don't worry, it'll melt!). So while I did spend a good portion of my summer being true to my plans to focus on myself, now that the seasons are starting to change, I can feel the anxiety building. Less than two months from now, I will have the colposcopy and better understand how much more of a delay we are looking at before we can do our FET. And while I am still generally ok on the whole, I can't deny feeling that hope again each month, and feeling that painful emptiness in my heart on occasion. Taking it day by day is all I can do right now, being patient, biding time.