Struggles with Infertility

Being a parent is not something that everyone has as a goal in life. But once you decide that you want to be a parent, and you are unable to, your life can either unravel, or you can try to find meaning in your struggles. This blog is me trying to find meaning.

Friday, April 3, 2015

FET Non-Update

We're on the call list and will hopefully stay there. We got 'the call' this cycle (this past Monday); unfortunately we had to say no because the tentative transfer date was smack in the middle of a vacation we have planned in May. The nurse went to the effort of seeing if there could be any adjustments made to allow for it, but with ultrasounds and blood work requirements, it wasn't going to work.

So we said no, but have been reassured that we're at the top of the list now. This means that we are pretty much guaranteed a call next cycle. Looks like transfer will be in June!

Happy Easter everyone!