Struggles with Infertility

Being a parent is not something that everyone has as a goal in life. But once you decide that you want to be a parent, and you are unable to, your life can either unravel, or you can try to find meaning in your struggles. This blog is me trying to find meaning.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The benefits of being childless

This is a make myself feel better post - I've been a bit mopey about the TTC thing lately. Obviously I'd give all of these benefits up for us to have a child of our own, but in the meantime:

  1. I can sleep until 11 on the weekend if I want to AND I sleep through every night (almost).
  2. We don't have a pay a babysitter so we can go on much needed 'dates'.
  3. I never smell like baby poop or puke.
  4. I can wear nice clothes any time I want.
  5. We can take last minute trips.
  6. The only person I have to consider when making decisions is Derek.
  7. We have a lot of money to spend on ourselves.
  8. My house is (relatively) clean.
  9. We can watch R rated movies at 3 in the afternoon.
  10. We can have sex any time and anywhere we want (sorry mom and dad).

Ah, that's better. Make anyone jealous? Probably not.

We have our first appointment with the adoption homestudy lady this coming Monday night. It's nice to be moving along - it's been almost a year since we started this whole process. As well, I've made an appointment with our RE to tell her (yes, TELL her, not ask) that we are doing further immunology investigation and that I'd like another Lap before we do the FET. I have been having severe twisting ouchy pain in my ovaries, especially the left (the one where I had my ectopic last year), and especially during AF. Makes me wonder if I have some scar tissue and/or endometriosis in there. Really, I just want to make sure everything is good to go and all cleaned out when we finally do this FET.

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