Struggles with Infertility

Being a parent is not something that everyone has as a goal in life. But once you decide that you want to be a parent, and you are unable to, your life can either unravel, or you can try to find meaning in your struggles. This blog is me trying to find meaning.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's officially loss number three

The clinic called late yesterday afternoon and told me my number had only gone up to 229 from 180, a rise of only 21%. About three hours before they called, I started spotting, so I already knew it was over.

Thank you everyone for all your support and positive thoughts, but it looks like this one is coming to an end too. At this point, I am hoping for a quick natural miscarriage.

Going forward, we'll be making an appointment to see both our IVF doctor and the Repeat Pregnancy Loss doctor at the fertility clinic to discuss what the plan is going forward. On the positive side of this all, we will be doing more investigation to determine if there is something genetic going on with us, or if there is something going on in my uterus that is preventing good implantation. I'm glad we'll be doing this before the IVF rather then going through more heartbreak and big costs, though we have to be realistic, as there is only a 50% chance that we will find an answer.

For now, we're both dealing with this pretty well. It's obviously different for Derek because he isn't the one that's pregnant and it wasn't to the point of being real for him yet, but I'm sure he's sad about this too. Staying positive about the future is what keeps us going, and knowing that we have a good plan is reassuring.


  1. Really, really sorry to hear that Emily! ((hugs))

  2. I had everything crossed for you, so am gutted that it's not working out for you.

    As I said over on the SD, I'll probably be doing my second IVF at the end of this year too, so maybe we can keep each other company while going through it.

    As you say, it's definitely good that you'll be going through more testing before you do the IVF. They say the first cycle is often diagnostic anyway, but everyone obviously hopes for the best and a positive outcome first time round, and going in with the best odds is what you want.

    Take care of yourselves just now xx
