Struggles with Infertility

Being a parent is not something that everyone has as a goal in life. But once you decide that you want to be a parent, and you are unable to, your life can either unravel, or you can try to find meaning in your struggles. This blog is me trying to find meaning.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pre-IVF Appointment

This afternoon was our first post-failed IUI / pre-IVF appointment. Here's the low down:

The doctor thinks I may have egg quality issues. Before I even said anything, she recommended going to IVF because of this. She thinks we have a good chance of harvesting 10 to 12 eggs for retrieval however, and we have a 50% to 65% chance of conceiving with our first IVF.

I discussed donating a portion of my eggs to my sister, Lara, within the same cycle. I worried that they might be reluctant to allow this because I don't have any of my own children yet, but she said she can see no issues with going ahead with a shared cycle. She is discussing the plan with the Donor Egg Program doctor and I will get a call within the next two weeks with the go-ahead. Of course, there is a huge emotional umbrella over this possibility that we will all need to work through, but we have a few months to figure out our bottom lines.

So, over the summer there are a number of things we need to do. First and foremost, Derek and I, as well as my sister Lara and her husband Roland, will have to attend an evening / morning program about the Donor Program and IVF in general. Following that, we need to decide how many eggs I'll be donating and get a legal contract written up and signed by all for the procedure.

I need to have a sonohysterogram within the next couple of months (not looking forward to this) as well as Cycle Day 3 blood tests (Estradol, FSH, LH). Derek and I both have to get a bunch of blood tests done for a variety of illnesses (HIV, Hepatitis, etc.) at some point as well, as will Lara and Roland.

At this point, this is all I know. I'll have more specifics once I hear back from the Donor Egg Program nurse.

We're aiming for a September / October IVF. I do not need to take birth control to prepare because my cycles are very regular. Looks like they will be doing a standard three day transfer as long as everything works out (fingers crossed!).

If all goes well, both Lara and I will be pregnant by Christmas.

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